About us

Our team values diversity and believes that by bringing together different perspectives, experiences, and cultures, we can make a real difference. We collaborate with local community elders and chiefs, respecting their wisdom and understanding of the region's history and needs. We strive for inclusivity, seeking input from experienced experts and students with innovative ideas. Our main goal is to identify and support talented individuals within these communities, focusing on those with exceptional skills and creativity.


Clement Matorwmasen
Background: IT-specialist/ Entrepreneur. Founder Drive
Aid Ghana/ Cletek Services
Clement Matorwmasen has a natural passion to help
others thrive and he has a strong record in running a
company and mediating in conflict situations. He has
founded and managed a successfual IT-company and
completed several governmental building contracts.
Whatever the challenge, he will find a solution.
As a member of the royal family, he has strong social and
cultural connections in the area where we operate. He is
strongly committed to make the college a success
and to impact more people’s lives.
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Femke Akkermans
Background: Lecturer / Medical Doctor specialized in International
Health and Tropical Medicine
Femke Matorwmasen-Akkermans is originally Dutch but has lived
and worked in Ghana for over eight years. She is a logical thinker,
highly skilled in teaching, coordination, logistics & planning and has
good writing skills.
She is a team player and has the drive to tackle social and health issues
at the core. She has a strong and varied international network. She is a
fighter and will not easily give up on accomplishing her dreams
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